The Cobbler is a Tier 1 resource production building that takes Pelts as an input in the production of Shoes.
While most villagers will immigrate to your village with Shoes already equipped, these are a commodity item with a limited lifespan that will need replacement. Additionally, Villagers born locally will need shoes after reaching 'child' maturity and above.
Villagers wearing shoes are less likely to contract related Maladies and will benefit from an improved movement speed, making this an important building to set up in the first few years.
Basic Strategy
Cobblers do not generate negative desirability, so can be placed both near residential districts or in lower-desirability zones as needed.
Key considerations are as for any building that converts one resource to another:
- How far is the potential build site from the source of input materials?
- How far is the potential build site from the destination of the converted materials?