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    Farthest Frontier

    Last updated 14 Aug 2022

    Game Version 0.7.4

    name targetCrop1 targetCrop2 targetCrop3 targetCrop4 cropLossAtFullMagnitudePercent gracePeriodYears infectionChancePerPlantingPercent activeStartMonthNum activeEndMonthNum initialMagnitudePercent perPlantingMagnitudeIncreasePercent perPlantingMagnitudeDecreasePercent spreadChanceAtFullMagnitudePercent spreadDistanceAtFullMagnitudeMeters
    CropDisease_Clubroot turnipPlant cabbagePlant 50 8 4 6 9 10 12 20 10 30
    CropDisease_TurnipLeafSpot turnipPlant cabbagePlant 40 5 10 7 8 20 15 15 30 80
    CropDisease_RyeRust ryePlant 90 10 6 6 10 15 35 30 90 200
    CropDisease_WheatRust wheatPlant 90 8 8 6 9 25 25 30 100 200
    CropDisease_WheatBlotch wheatPlant ryePlant 60 7 8 6 10 12 30 30 90 100
    CropDisease_WheatRootknots wheatPlant ryePlant 30 2 6 5 11 5 8 20 10 30
    CropDisease_FlaxWilt flaxPlant 30 10 7 6 10 8 15 20 40 80
    CropDisease_FlaxRust flaxPlant 45 8 5 6 10 15 30 30 60 200
    CropDisease_PowderyMildew beanPlant peaPlant buckwheatPlant carrotPlant 30 3 8 8 10 20 15 60 70 100
    CropDisease_BeanBrownSpot beanPlant 60 8 5 8 11 15 12 20 30 50
    CropDisease_BeanWilt beanPlant peaPlant 50 5 7 8 9 15 10 25 10 30
    CropDisease_YellowDwarfing wheatPlant ryePlant 30 12 3 6 10 15 15 20 50 100
    CropDisease_AsterYellows wheatPlant carrotPlant buckwheatPlant 50 10 3 6 10 15 15 25 50 100
    CropDisease_StemRot buckwheatPlant beanPlant peaPlant 60 8 3 8 11 10 15 20 20 50
    CropDisease_LeekBlight leekPlant 35 8 4 7 9 20 25 25 60 100
    CropDisease_PinkRoot leekPlant 12 12 5 7 8 10 15 10 20 50
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