A prettier way to call out notes, tips & warnings.
Example of a "NOTE" from Settlement Items...
This article |
...and small...
This article |
...and with a style applied...
...using the extant {{Note}}...
This dialog is updated in real time, so keeping it open will allow you to see the change (and rate of change or resource trends, to a degree) in the amount you have of each of the resources.
...and of type reminder...
Some players may find it easier to leverage this dialog with the Empty Items Last option disabled. Doing so results in a resource's position in the dialog always remaining the same, and the player can develop a degree of "muscle memory" when scanning this dialog for a given resource.
Some players may find it easier to leverage this dialog with the Empty Items Last option disabled. Doing so results in a resource's position in the dialog always remaining the same, and the player can develop a degree of "muscle memory" when scanning this dialog for a given resource.
...the new {{Tip}}...
Some players may find it easier to leverage this dialog with the Empty Items Last option disabled. Doing so results in a resource's position in the dialog always remaining the same, and the player can develop a degree of "muscle memory" when scanning this dialog for a given resource.
...and of type warn...
This dialog does not show any resources stored in your Trading Post. The most notable of these is Gold (as you can only transfer up to a maximum of 500 of any other resource in to the trading post). Sure, you can stock more than 500 of a given resource in the trading post, but it's still gold that you should/will have the most of hidden away in the trading post eventually. Don't forget it's there!
This dialog does not show any resources stored in your Trading Post. The most notable of these is Gold (as you can only transfer up to a maximum of 500 of any other resource in to the trading post). Sure, you can stock more than 500 of a given resource in the trading post, but it's still gold that you should/will have the most of hidden away in the trading post eventually. Don't forget it's there!
...the new {{Warning}}...
This dialog does not show any resources stored in your Trading Post. The most notable of these is Gold (as you can only transfer up to a maximum of 500 of any other resource in to the trading post). Sure, you can stock more than 500 of a given resource in the trading post, but it's still gold that you should/will have the most of hidden away in the trading post eventually. Don't forget it's there!
This is some random text inserted to confirm the absence of a trailing newline that may have sneaked into {{Warning}}.