Note: As this is just a proof of concept, I haven't implemented ALL of the data fields.
Below, I'm demonstrating how the template reacts to a different number of tiers being included in the call. If there are exactly two tiers for which details are provided, the second panel has the title "Upgraded". If there's only one tier specified, "No upgrade", etc.
- I also put in a single header (above the panels) with optional subheaders (in the panels).
- I also pulled static properties (those that don't change through upgrades) up, above the panels.
- I'm also defaulting the "Upgrades To" to the name provided for the next upgrade.
- I also experimented with not providing names for the Town Center (the last one of the four examples below) at the various tiers (just to compare how that looks, and if it still makes sense while still using the "Upgrades To" names).
- I also linkified all the data titles because why not?
Town Center example
Healer's House example
The Healer's House is a little different because it doesn't become available until Tier 2 and it's name actually changes when upgraded.
I also experimented with using a × instead of an "x" for the size. I think it looks nicer but do accept that it's WAY more typing, so I automated it (so it converts at render time).