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    Farthest Frontier


    This template page serves simply as the root for other template pages and is not used directly itself.

    There are several instances of article pages in this wiki that require extremely specific treatment with respect to formatting, processing, etc. The templates used in those pages are very rarely used generally (in other article pages) but may be used dozens of times (usually in tables) and, with long names, would otherwise severely impact that page's maintainability. In such cases, it is preferred to have a template with an obscure but very short name.

    All of those template pages are located beneath this one and, as such, are more easily found & browsed (so, for example, unnecessary duplication may more easily be avoided). Locating all of these pages in this tree also facilitates finding existing templates that may then be used as the starting point in the creation of new (similar but not identical) template pages.

    When to create template page beneath this one

    Whenever your case meets the criteria outlined above.

    One example is the Traveling merchant pages, of which there are only six. However, those pages use a template to format one of the cells that appears in all of the rows in two tables. In that case, it makes the page much easier to maintain with a short template name.

    Of course, as with any template page, the template's use is comprehensively documented, so it can be amended or reused (if not self-evident from the article page itself) and it ultimately makes no difference to the wiki how the template page is actually named.

    Just try to follow this naming convention for any template pages you create in this tree:

    Template page Class Use
    {{F}} root This page.
    {{F/C}} cell root The parent page for all the table cell formatting templates.
    {{F/C/ipr}} template A template page that is actually used in a Traveling merchant article page to format those cells containing an Item Price Range.
    {{F/R}} row root The parent page for all the table row formatting templates.

    All subpages of this page

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