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    Farthest Frontier

    This module implements {{redirect template}}. Please see the template page for documentation.

    require('Module:No globals')
    local p = {}
    -- key is beginning of arg name. value is table with namespace number and link
    -- alternatively, a function taking the namespace number and returning a validity
    -- can be used
    local namespaceCategories = {
    	all = { function() return true end },
    	main = { 0, '[[wp:mainspace|main]]' },
    	help = { 12, '[[wp:help namespace|help]]' },
    	portal = { 100, '[[wp:portal|portal]]' },
    	talk = { function(n) return n > 0 and n%2 == 1 end, '[[Help:Talk pages|talk]]' },
    	template = { 10, '[[wp:template namespace|template]]' },
    	wikipedia = { 4, '[[wp:project namespace|Wikipedia project]]' },
    	category = { 14, '[[wp:categorization|category]]' },
    	user = { 2, '[[wp:user pages|user]]' },
    -- remove whitespaces from beginning and end of args
    local function valueFunc(key, val)
    	if type(val) == 'string' then
    		val = val:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
    		if val == '' then
    			return nil
    	return val
    local function getPrettyName(args)
    	for k in pairs(namespaceCategories) do
    		if args[k .. ' category'] then
    			return string.format("'''[[:Category:%s|%s]]''': ", args[k .. ' category'], args.name)
    	return string.format("'''%s''': ", args.name)
    function p.main(frame)
    	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Redirect template', valueFunc = valueFunc})
    	local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
    	--- XXX: this is a HORRIBLE HACK. kill it with fire as soon as https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12974 is fixed
    	local beCompatibleWithBug12974 = args.info and (args.info:find('^[:;#*]', 1) == 1 or args.info:find('{|', 1, true) == 1) and '\n' or ' '
    	local content = string.format('\n<div class="rcat %s">\n*%sThis is a redirect%s%s.%s%s\n</div>',
    		args.id and ('rcat-' .. string.gsub(args.id, ' ', '_')) or '',
    		args.name and getPrettyName(args) or '',
    		args.from and (' from ' .. args.from) or '',
    		args.to and (' to ' .. args.to) or '',
    		args.info and beCompatibleWithBug12974 or '',
    		args.info or ''
    	for k,v in pairs(namespaceCategories) do
    		if args[k .. ' category'] then
    			if type(v[1]) == 'function' and v[1](namespace) or v[1] == namespace then
    				if args.sortkey then
    					content = content .. string.format('[[Category:%s|%s]]', args[k .. ' category'], args.sortkey)
    						content = content .. string.format('[[Category:%s]]', args[k .. ' category'])
    			elseif args['other category'] then
    				if args.sortkey then
    					content = content .. string.format('[[Category:%s|%s]]', args['other category'], args.sortkey)
    						content = content .. string.format('[[Category:%s]]', args['other category'])
    				content = content .. frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Incorrect redirect template', args = {v[2]}}
    	if namespace == 0 then
    		local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
    		if yesno(args.printworthy) == true then
    			return content .. '[[Category:Printworthy redirects]]'
    		elseif yesno(args.printworthy) == false then
    			return content .. '[[Category:Unprintworthy redirects]]'
    	return content
    return p
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