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We currently have 232 articles on Farthest Frontier. Type your article name above or create one of the articles listed here!

    Farthest Frontier

    This module allows you to output different text depending on the namespace that a given page is in. It is a Lua implementation of the {{namespace detect}} template, with a few improvements: all namespaces and all namespace aliases are supported, and namespace names are detected automatically for the local wiki.


    {{#invoke: Namespace detect | main
    | page              = <!-- page to detect namespace for, if not the current page -->
    | main              = <!-- text to return for the main namespace -->
    | talk              = <!-- text to return for talk namespaces -->
    <!-- text to return for specific subject namespaces -->
    | portal            = 
    | category          = 
    | user 	            = 
    | wikipedia         = 
    | mediawiki         = 
    | book              = 
    | timedtext         = 
    | template          = 
    | special           = 
    | media             = 
    | file              = 
    | image             = 
    | help 	            = 
    | module            = 
    | other             = <!-- text to return for unspecified namespaces -->
    | demospace         = <!-- namespace to display text for -->
    | subjectns         = <!-- set to "yes" to treat talk pages as the corresponding subject page -->


    • main - text to return if the page is in the main namespace.
    • talk - text to return if the page is in a talk namespace. This can be any talk namespace - it will match any of "Talk:", "Wikipedia talk:", "User talk:", etc.
    • Subject namespace parameters, e.g. wikipedia, user, file... - the text to return if the page is in the corresponding namespace. This module accepts all subject namespaces as parameters, including namespace aliases and virtual namespaces. See below for a list of supported values.
    • other - text to return if no parameters for the page's namespace were specified. This text is also returned if |demospace= is set to an invalid namespace value.
    • subjectns - if on a talk page, use the corresponding subject page. Can be set with values of "yes", "y", "true" or "1".
    • demopage - specifies a page to detect the namespace of. If not specified, and if the |demospace= parameter is not set, then the module uses the current page.
    • demospace - force the module to behave as if the page was in the specified namespace. Often used for demonstrations.

    Namespace parameters

    Possible values for subject namespace parameters are as follows:

    Namespace Aliases
    farthest frontier project
    file image

    Table function

    Use the following to display a table with the different possible namespace parameters:

    {{#invoke:Namespace detect|table|talk=yes}}

    To include the parameter for talk namespaces, use |talk=yes.

    Porting to different wikis

    This module is designed to be portable. To use it on a different wiki, all you need to do is to change the values in Module:Namespace detect/config. Instructions are available on that page.

    Technical details

    The module uses a data page at Module:Namespace detect/data. This page is loaded with mw.loadData, which means it is processed once per page rather than once per #invoke. This was done for performance reasons.

    --                                                                            --
    --                            NAMESPACE DETECT                                --
    --                                                                            --
    -- This module implements the {{namespace detect}} template in Lua, with a    --
    -- few improvements: all namespaces and all namespace aliases are supported,  --
    -- and namespace names are detected automatically for the local wiki. The     --
    -- module can also use the corresponding subject namespace value if it is     --
    -- used on a talk page. Parameter names can be configured for different wikis --
    -- by altering the values in the "cfg" table in                               --
    -- Module:Namespace detect/config.                                            --
    --                                                                            --
    local data = mw.loadData('Module:Namespace detect/data')
    local argKeys = data.argKeys
    local cfg = data.cfg
    local mappings = data.mappings
    local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
    local mArguments -- Lazily initialise Module:Arguments
    local mTableTools -- Lazily initilalise Module:TableTools
    local ustringLower = mw.ustring.lower
    local p = {}
    local function fetchValue(t1, t2)
    	-- Fetches a value from the table t1 for the first key in array t2 where
    	-- a non-nil value of t1 exists.
    	for i, key in ipairs(t2) do
    		local value = t1[key]
    		if value ~= nil then
    			return value
    	return nil
    local function equalsArrayValue(t, value)
    	-- Returns true if value equals a value in the array t. Otherwise
    	-- returns false.
    	for i, arrayValue in ipairs(t) do
    		if value == arrayValue then
    			return true
    	return false
    function p.getPageObject(page)
    	-- Get the page object, passing the function through pcall in case of
    	-- errors, e.g. being over the expensive function count limit.
    	if page then
    		local success, pageObject = pcall(mw.title.new, page)
    		if success then
    			return pageObject
    			return nil
    		return mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
    -- Provided for backward compatibility with other modules
    function p.getParamMappings()
    	return mappings
    local function getNamespace(args)
    	-- This function gets the namespace name from the page object.
    	local page = fetchValue(args, argKeys.demopage)
    	if page == '' then
    		page = nil
    	local demospace = fetchValue(args, argKeys.demospace)
    	if demospace == '' then
    		demospace = nil
    	local subjectns = fetchValue(args, argKeys.subjectns)
    	local ret
    	if demospace then
    		-- Handle "demospace = main" properly.
    		if equalsArrayValue(argKeys.main, ustringLower(demospace)) then
    			ret = mw.site.namespaces[0].name
    			ret = demospace
    		local pageObject = p.getPageObject(page)
    		if pageObject then
    			if pageObject.isTalkPage then
    				-- Get the subject namespace if the option is set,
    				-- otherwise use "talk".
    				if yesno(subjectns) then
    					ret = mw.site.namespaces[pageObject.namespace].subject.name
    					ret = 'talk'
    				ret = pageObject.nsText
    			return nil -- return nil if the page object doesn't exist.
    	ret = ret:gsub('_', ' ')
    	return ustringLower(ret)
    function p._main(args)
    	-- Check the parameters stored in the mappings table for any matches.
    	local namespace = getNamespace(args) or 'other' -- "other" avoids nil table keys
    	local params = mappings[namespace] or {}
    	local ret = fetchValue(args, params)
    	-- If there were no matches, return parameters for other namespaces.
    	-- This happens if there was no text specified for the namespace that
    	-- was detected or if the demospace parameter is not a valid
    	-- namespace. Note that the parameter for the detected namespace must be
    	-- completely absent for this to happen, not merely blank.
    	if ret == nil then
    		ret = fetchValue(args, argKeys.other)
    	return ret
    function p.main(frame)
    	mArguments = require('Module:Arguments')
    	local args = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false})
    	local ret = p._main(args)
    	return ret or ''
    function p.table(frame)
    	-- Create a wikitable of all subject namespace parameters, for
    	-- documentation purposes. The talk parameter is optional, in case it
    	-- needs to be excluded in the documentation.
    	-- Load modules and initialise variables.
    	mTableTools = require('Module:TableTools')
    	local namespaces = mw.site.namespaces
    	local cfg = data.cfg
    	local useTalk = type(frame) == 'table' 
    		and type(frame.args) == 'table' 
    		and yesno(frame.args.talk) -- Whether to use the talk parameter.
    	-- Get the header names.
    	local function checkValue(value, default)
    		if type(value) == 'string' then
    			return value
    			return default
    	local nsHeader = checkValue(cfg.wikitableNamespaceHeader, 'Namespace')
    	local aliasesHeader = checkValue(cfg.wikitableAliasesHeader, 'Aliases')
    	-- Put the namespaces in order.
    	local mappingsOrdered = {}
    	for nsname, params in pairs(mappings) do
    		if useTalk or nsname ~= 'talk' then
    			local nsid = namespaces[nsname].id
    			-- Add 1, as the array must start with 1; nsid 0 would be lost otherwise.
    			nsid = nsid + 1 
    			mappingsOrdered[nsid] = params
    	mappingsOrdered = mTableTools.compressSparseArray(mappingsOrdered)
    	-- Build the table.
    	local ret = '{| class="wikitable"'
    		.. '\n|-'
    		.. '\n! ' .. nsHeader
    		.. '\n! ' .. aliasesHeader
    	for i, params in ipairs(mappingsOrdered) do
    		for j, param in ipairs(params) do
    			if j == 1 then
    				ret = ret .. '\n|-'
    					.. '\n| <code>' .. param .. '</code>'
    					.. '\n| '
    			elseif j == 2 then
    				ret = ret .. '<code>' .. param .. '</code>'
    				ret = ret .. ', <code>' .. param .. '</code>'
    	ret = ret .. '\n|-'
    		.. '\n|}'
    	return ret
    return p
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